
Monday, 14 June 2021

Reading time

                                                            Hey Bloggers 

This week I have learned about giant prickly insects. I have learned quite a lot in the past 2 days. The males can grow to 18cm long. Do you know about them our do you not? The challenging part was that some of us chose dung beetles but others chose giant prickly insects. But my teacher chose both so now we have half of us reading beetles and half reading giant prickly insects. My exciting part was when we had to draw two pictures and that was really fun. 

See you later bloggers.  

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Handwriting time!!

                                                               Hey bloggers 

Today I am going to tell you about my handwriting. Handwriting is easy but my end we have to link. Do you have to link or do you not? My challenge was the main focus it can be easy but hard. if you do not know what main focus is it is where you write words like sing tingle digging king but they have to be linked. The easy part about handwriting is pattens. Do you know what patterns are tell me tell me please? I am proud about my handwriting because I know how to link now I am so proud.

Bye bloggers!!

Monday, 7 June 2021

Komodo Dragons

                                                              Hey bloggers 

Last week I learned about komodo dragons. They are really fun to learn about because they are really interesting. After you have read my work, go research I am watching you. Have you learned about komodo dragons before? The skills I used was the part we had to do a komodo dragons day in the life. There we had to use shapes on our chromebook to make a komodo dragon eating something. The things I did well was when we were reading with the teacher we had to do 'I think that means'. My challenges were doing the three boxes we had to answer to what we were reading. Guess what? They actually eat wild pigs and deer. They are very long they are the size of two people laying on the ground. Did you know that or did you not? They live in the wild and people try to hunt them down but when they do that the komodo dragon will fight them. I know people should start leaving them alone and they will leave you alone. So don't hurt them they are harmless. They have really long claws with a small head but not too small. Komodo dragons have very sharp nails none like us we have small ones but the komodo dragons ones WOW!! If you ever see one just leave it alone please.

Bye Bloggers